Discover the Power of the Tachyon Healing Chamber
Have you ever felt an inner yearning for clarity, balance, and purpose? My journey with Tachyon Energy revealed a transformative path, and today, I invite you to embark on this enlightening experience with me.
What is Intuitive Eating and Are You Doing It Right?
Intuitive Eating has been a buzz phrase in wellness community. What is it really? Why is it so hard to eat "Intuitively" like a naturally skinny person and how I can start eating like her? Find out what’s causing Emotional Eating and Food Craving.
Mindfulness for self-Healing
The hassles of daily life can negatively affect our energy and attitudes. Which can result in an individual holding onto the bad and spreading it around as well. However, energy healing practices can work as a great cure for these types of blues and pessimism. The one healing practice that I can swear by is Mindfulness.
How to Release Emotional Blockage
We tend to find ourselves going through a rollercoaster of emotions. We feel unwanted emotions such as sadness, anxiety, and anger that affect us in various ways. Sometimes our feelings are buried so deep into our bodies that we can’t seem to locate them. These emotions are known as trapped emotions. Energy healing can help your body and mind recover from these imbalances and release the trapped emotions.
Energy, Vibrations and Frequencies: Balance Your Mind & Body
One of the fundamental rules of the cosmos is the principle of vibration. Everything is in motion, and nothing is still. Everything is a type of energy that we perceive both consciously and intuitively as a manifestation of vibration. Our bodies are made up of molecular structures that vibrate at a high pace, and our cerebral matter functions like an electronic switching station.