Discover the Power of the Tachyon Healing Chamber

Have you ever felt an inner yearning for clarity, balance, and purpose? I’m Hiromi, the founder of Adantiah Healing Arts and, proudly, the NEW Ascentiah Healing Center, a premier destination offering multidimensional energy healing services to inspire embodied healing and soul liberation. We are proud to be the leading Healing Center in New York City, providing the authentic Tachyon Healing Chamber experience. Our approach represents a fusion of cutting-edge Pleiadian technologies with other proven energy-healing modalities designed to facilitate rapid transformation and help individuals align with their true selves to ascend to the 5th dimension.


My journey with Tachyon Healing Energy revealed a transformative path, and today, I invite you to embark on this enlightening experience with me.


Tachyons: The Bearers of Clarity

In the vast expanse of our universe, Tachyons are unique; they carry with them essential information. These particles, born from the beginning of the universe and faster than light, are directly connected to the Source of all creation. Within the Tachyon Healing Chamber, I found answers that had long eluded me. This information, when tapped into, unveils unparalleled clarity, and the clarity I achieved became the cornerstone of my transformation.


Heeding the Clarity: Finding Balance

With clarity comes a profound sense of balance. The Tachyon Healing Chamber, harnessing advanced Pleiadian technology, sacred geometry, noble metals, crystals, and wormhole technology, provided me not just with answers, but with a harmonious alignment of my mind, body, and spirit. Just as a tree stands tall and rooted amidst the changing seasons, embracing this balance made me resilient and steadfast in my purpose.


Living in Ease: Your Authentic Self

True balance nurtures ease—a life unburdened by the noise of everyday distractions, where every step is in tune with your deepest desires and intentions. By accessing the source of all creation, Tachyon energy impacts us on all levels – mental, emotional, and physical. In this state of ease, I discovered the beauty of living out my most significant purpose, being in harmony with the universe and my true self.


Your Divine Destiny Awaits

It is said that each of us has a divine blueprint—a unique path we were created to walk. The Tachyon Healing Chamber, with its ancient energies and wisdom, offers a bridge to this divine self. It's the ultimate tool, not only for self-discovery but for manifesting who you were divinely designed to become. The power of Tachyon is transformative, connecting you with your higher self, leading to peace, well-being, and overall health improvement.


Lasting Transformation

With the Tachyon Healing Chamber, positive effects are truly forever. Each session builds upon the next, so with multiple sessions, you can expect even greater and more lasting results! Experience a continuous evolution towards your best self.


We believe that everyone deserves to break free from physical, emotional, or mental limitations and realize their full potential. At Ascentiah Healing Center, we provide a unique space for individuals to embrace their full potential and begin creating the reality they truly desire.


If my story speaks to you, if you too feel the pull towards understanding, balance, and living with purpose, the doors of the Ascentiah Healing Center await. Let the Tachyon Healing Chamber guide you on your journey to clarity, balance, and the authentic, divine self within.


With warmth and anticipation,




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