13th Octave LaHoChi

The 13th Octave LaHoChi is an ancient, powerful high-frequency energy healing modality gifted to us by the Archangels and Ascended Masters to heal humanity and the planet of Earth. This supreme gift came forward during this time of galactic restoration of Earth to facilitate and speed up the creation of New Earth.  

LaHoChi was originally brought down to Earth by the Pleiadeans as a hands-on energy-healing tool during the time of Atlantis and Lemuria.  During the fall of Atlantis, the knowledge and power of this modality were believed to be lost, but it returned in the early 2000’s when it was brought forth again by the Ascended masters Lao Tzu and St. Germaine as stellar healing, transformational and ascension tool with numerous benefits that work on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. It restores the wholeness of love within the heart of all humanity on the earth, and it is a powerful tool to bring you to a higher state of consciousness. 

LaHoChi activates and balances the higher Chakras, 14th - 16th located above the head, using connection between the Heart and the Divine Source allow to anchor the Higher Self in the physical reality.

“La” in LaHoChi refers to the Light, Love and Wisdom originated from the elevated frequency of light. The “Ho” refers to the movement of this energy and the “Chi” is life force – Universal life energy. 

To summarize,  LaHoChi is the movement of energy as healing light of the highest frequencies of love, filled with life force. This would include but not be limited to the earth, humans, animals and plants. The modality is a powerful yet gentle form of energy balancing and healing in which the body's natural healing abilities are activated and nurtured.

The purpose of 13th Octave LaHoChi is also to assist us in fulfilling our chosen spiritual and physical journeys through the Violet Flame and the Blue Diamond Flame of the Universal Mother, sacred geometry, and Lemurian crystals, assisted by the Archangels and Ascended Masters. This will assist you to excel in your current work that is your chosen soul mission.

What are the benefits?

  • LaHoChi reweaves the energy field by repairing holes, tears and shattered areas caused by variety of impacts including difficult birth, radiation, surgery, drugs, accidents, former and present life injuries, all types of traumas, environmental toxins, negative affirmations and genetic tendencies.

  • Unites and aligns with Divine Heart, Mind and Will.  Deepen the connection to Divine Mother. 

  • Activates, expands, balances, and anchors your Higher Self – I AM presence. 

  • Brings in the vibrations of color and sound.

  • Performs acupuncture in the etheric field.

  • Brings in the vibrations of flower and mineral essences.

  • Balances the flow of cranial fluid in the brain and balances the cranial pulse.

  • Opens the body’s 21 energy flows or organ system meridians.

  • Clears blockages in the subtle energy bodies.

  • Opens and clears the chakra system.

  • Realigns the body’s blueprint – a 3-layer grid system that holds the body’s integrity.

  • Clears electrical blocks in the energy body, a web-like link between cellular memory and the physical body, so information can pass freely.

  • Expands the energy field.

  • Opens all channels of healing; cleans and removes all resistance to healing. 

  • Clears old belief systems, detrimental thoughts, painful memories, debris, and illusions of pain and self-limitation that are not in alignment with the individual’s soul design. 

  • Opens and activates left and right hemispheres of the brain, activating new parts of the brain.

  • Accelerates one to their healing and spiritual gifts.

  • Assists in attaining the highest states of meditation or consciousness possible for each person in the present moment.

What To Expect During A Session?

You can expect to achieve profound relaxation and peace during a healing session. You may experience the release of stuck or blocked energies from all areas of your energetic field, which will create space for physical pain reduction, emotional soothing, mental tranquility, and accelerated spiritual awakening. 

Connecting further to higher self-realms and access points into archangels & pure source love! The entire process is then sealed off by protective fields that ensure divine energy radiates easily while any unneeded blockages are immediately transmuted into the highest vibration.