What is Intuitive Eating and Are You Doing It Right?

Over the last decade in the health and wellness community the phrase “intuitive eating” has been tossed around quite a lot. But what exactly does intuitive eating mean? Is it a diet? A lifestyle? How do you know if you’re doing it - or doing it wrong?

What Intuitive Eating Is and Isn’t

Intuitive eating is exactly as it sounds. It’s eating when you’re hungry and stopping when you’re full - as a broad overview. It’s about your intuition, trusting it and listening to it when it comes to hunger and satiety. When we eat, we are fueling our body with the energy it needs to function.

A lot of people who set out to lose weight eventually hit a plateau and are unable to lose the rest. This typically happens for a number of reasons that may include but are not limited to:

  • Emotional eating

  • Hormonal issues

  • Too much Stress

  • Unbalanced diet

  • Inflammatory foods

  • Lack of exercise

  • Lack of sleep

When we aren’t treating our body with the adequate levels of exercise, nutrition and sleep, it becomes imbalanced. This typically happens if we are dealing with stress and trapped emotion, which can lead to either under or overeating and throw us out of balance with our built-in signals of when to eat, and when to stop eating.

Frequency of intuitive eating

Intuitive eating is about eating when we’re hungry and stopping when we’re not. A lot of times we get too caught up in the time of day we eat or are “supposed” to eat and this goes against our intuition. Food is energy. Emotion is energy. Exercise is energy. We need them all to be in balance in order to feel our best and operate on our highest level. 

Emotional Blockage

One of the primary reasons a person may be out of balance with their food consumption is due to emotional blockage, which is the biggest culprit of emotional eating. This occurs when our emotions are trapped deep within us and we are thrown out of balance as a result. When we carry excess body fat, it’s likely linked to emotional, mental, physical and spiritual levels being unbalanced. You are wired with the certain belief system that creates barriers to your progress and sabotages your weight loss journey. 

The thick wall of trapped emotions around your heart could keep you craving a certain food to fulfill your emotional longing as a substitute for love and joy. 

When this happens, it is much more difficult to be in tune with ourselves, and get out of the perpetual cycle of emotional eating. 

How do we overcome Emotional Eating? 

This is what happens when we have unprocessed trauma and negative emotions built up and it sabotages your weight loss goals with your own negative programming. 

There is a profound link between our brain and gut. 

As an energy healing practitioner, I will work with you to help you better understand and manage your emotions. 

We can work to harmonize and correct energetic imbalances within your body by tapping into your subconscious to identify them and gently release them using these tools called the Emotion Code and the Body Code. Your unconscious mind is a supercomputer, and it knows everything about you. Just need to ask and find out what’s blocking you to align with your true self and get over the emotional eating. This is the fastest way to mater intuitive eating.

Try it Out

To eat intuitively, try for a few days to stop counting calories and tracking macros. Simply listen to your body and get in tune with what your’e feeling. If you are not hungry for breakfast, don’t force yourself to eat. If you’re full at dinner, same thing. If you’re hungry late at night and craving sweets, indulge but keep portions small and opt for a clean sweet like fruit. If you are stressed and have more or less of an appetite, try to eat slower and wait for your body to catch up with signaling that it’s reached satiety. See how your body responds when you listen to it. Your health and emotions will thank you.


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