MANIFESTATION SERIES  Part 3 | The Manifestation Process

 When You pretend to be something long enough you believe that is who you are at your core. However, if you can do the work, you can reap the benefits of living the life you are meant to live.  You have so much agency over your life when you’re leaning into the things that don’t necessarily cost anything, the essence of who you are. When we harness the power of belief, allow it to carry us through--if we can do the work, if we can move through the pain, continuing to uphold belief and the trust--we can unlock our ultimate potential. We can manifest that life we desire. We don’t have to do it alone. We can ask for help. We can welcome people into our journey that can hear what we won’t say, people who can read what we can’t write, people who can believe while we learn to change our core belief system.

Step 1 - Decision:

The journey of manifestation begins with a crucial first step: making a clear and authentic decision. This entails identifying genuine desires, which requires introspection to distinguish between what you truly want and what you feel pressured to pursue due to external factors like societal norms or familial expectations. Achieving clarity and being honest with oneself is vital. It’s about embracing your true aspirations and making choices that resonate deeply with your inner self. This initial decision sets the foundation and tone for the entire manifestation process. It involves not just recognizing what you want, but also committing to the journey and being prepared to traverse the path it entails.


Step 2 - Invocation:

Having made a clear decision, the next step is invocation. This stage goes beyond mere wishful thinking; it's an active, dynamic process of engaging your imagination, visualization, and emotional connection to bring your desires closer to reality. You immerse yourself in the reality of your goals, visualizing every detail and invoking the feelings associated with achieving them. This vivid and emotional rehearsal aligns your mental and emotional energies with your objectives, creating a powerful attractor field. It primes the universe to your intentions, setting the energetic and vibrational stage necessary for manifestation. The invocation is where the power of belief, intention, and emotional resonance converge to transform thought into potential reality.


Step 3 - Physical Action:

The manifestation journey culminates with physical action. This step is about translating the internal groundwork of decision-making and invocation into actionable steps in the physical world. It involves identifying and undertaking concrete, strategic actions that align with your goals. Whether it's initiating a project, engaging in networking, acquiring new skills, or making lifestyle changes, these actions serve as the bridge connecting the realm of thoughts and intentions with tangible outcomes. Physical action is the embodiment of your commitment; it's an essential element that propels your desires from the ethereal plane of thoughts and dreams into the material world. This stage requires persistence, adaptability, and a willingness to take calculated risks. It's where the synchronicity between your inner work and external efforts comes to fruition, turning your envisioned future into present reality.


In summary, the manifestation process is a journey of becoming, involving a clear decision, emotional and mental invocation, and deliberate physical action. Each step is integral, acting as a building block for the next, and requires commitment, clarity, and courage. Together, these steps form a powerful process for bringing forth your deepest desires into the world, with these steps you can tell your story, you can live your authentic life.



MANIFESTATION SERIES Part 2 | Reprogramming Limitations: Recoding for the Ultimate Subconscious Upgrade