Akashic Field Therapy

Akashic Field Therapy is a quantum method of trauma resolution that accesses information from an individual’s Akashic Field hologram.

It holds the key to unfolding unresolved subconscious traumatic memories that shape realities that can block or prevent you from creating the life you desire. 

We delve deep into any unresolved core traumatic experiences that create repeating patterns of limiting behavior, emotional blocks, irrational fears, and negative beliefs to finally free ourselves from those negative life programs to unleash our full potential.

In order to heal traumas, we need to identify any unresolved experiences being read by the subconscious mind.

The key to success is similar to any other aspect of our lives that we are seeking to change. The more precise we are about what we want to work on, the better the results will be.

You may have tried to move on with your life by suppressing the emotions and focusing on the positive. However, this habit of suppressing traumatic emotions is a response to being entangled with past life traumas. It creates a looping effect in our Akashic Field, making it difficult to fully liberate ourselves from the past.

  • Our subconscious mind is the part of our consciousness that has direct access and reads the information stored in the Akashic Field.

  • The Akashic Field is real and equivalent to a zero-point field of information.

  • The Akashic Field holds all of our individual and collective histories. This field of information contains the blueprint of life itself.

  • The continuum of our past lives are also present in the Akashic Field, so we are subject not only to our current life trauma but also those lifetimes prior.

  • Through our life experiences that are intended ultimately for growth we store both positively and negatively charged experiences.

  • Unresolved trauma will remain emotionally charged in the Akashic Field indefinitely until liberated by our own individual awareness that they exist and can be healed.

  • Our defensive reactions to life events are a result of our subconscious remembering past traumas through its access to the Akashic Field. We are simply trying to protect ourselves from future harm based on unintegrated traumas.

  • Identifying and bringing the negative patterns to conscious understanding allows an individual to liberate the patterns by resolving them and letting go.

  • Releasing negative patterns from our Akashic Field allow us greater access to the vast positive growth potentials for our future life experiences that are stored there. So we do not collapse those possibilities at the quantum level.

How Does it work?

  • Increased level of consciousness

  • Increased awareness of self, by bringing awareness to sub-conscious patterns that hold you back

  • Increased and clearer life energy by releasing negative patterns

  • Elimination of the subconscious resistance – known as the rubber band effect (those experiences and traumas that “hold you back” or keep you stuck in one place in your growth opportunity)

  • Allow greater opportunities for growth and personal transformation

  • Better ability to cope with life situations by having a clearer insight about what is happening

  • Better, more positive perception of self, others and life situations

  • Better quality of life with less fear of situational outcomes

  • Decreased anxiety, depression and hopelessness about life due to a lack of self-awareness

  • Overall increase in happiness, feelings of well-being reflected on those around you

  • A minimized sense of separateness or isolation from others and universal love.

  • Increased sense of oneness with the collective or global community

  • Increased sense of responsibility to assist in creating a better world

  • When a person grows to point of greater spiritual awareness and authenticity, their energy field helps others around them to grow.

What are the benefits?

What To Expect During A Session?

  • On the date you are scheduled, we will not speak via telephone or zoom. I uncover groups of blocked patterns that is called life program. You get to choose number of life programs that you like to work on.

    All of the patterns in the life programs are recorded onto a client session sheet.

    What information do you need to provide about your life?

    The answer is either: a lot, none or somewhere in between. What I mean by this answer is, YOU as the client set the focus of your session.

    You can choose to provide background information for your session. If you provide information such as common areas of concern in your life, career issues, relationship problems or others. You program your session based on your intentions. If you do this then the life programs that come up as your priorities will be related to your questions.

    You can choose to provide nothing at all about yourself. If you simply want to see whatever comes up, then the 3 life programs that come out in your session will represent the 3 most important things you need to know. These are the priority issues that block the most energy in your life. The life programs can represent all areas of your life.

  • I will guide you through the session findings in great detail one life program at a time in recording. I review the findings and help you to understand how the patterns can affect you and show up in your daily life as different types of behaviors.

    I include the process to integrate the healing by teaching you a clearing technique through deep breathing as well as the clearing affirmation technique.

    I will do a clearing request on your behalf that addresses each pattern I have found on the day of the session.

  • Once you have the opportunity to review your Session Report, then you contact me to let me know you are ready. You may alss schedule a half an hour phone consultation using the booking link which can be found in the session report email.

    I recommend that you review your session report 2 times so that you can absorb the information and make note of any questions you may have for me. There is so much information included in your session that an additional review will allow you the maximum benefit during our phone time.

    During this time, I can answer any questions you may have about the session.


I am excited to begin offering Akashic Field Therapy and believe it can be a great modality for many healing journeys. I invite you to Book Now and begin reaping the benefits at my current introductory pricing. This offer is limited and pricing will increase September 1,2024.