Energy, Vibrations and Frequencies: Balance Your Mind & Body

One of the fundamental rules of the cosmos is the principle of vibration. Everything is in motion, and nothing is still. Everything is a type of energy that we perceive both consciously and intuitively as a manifestation of vibration. Our bodies are made up of molecular structures that vibrate at a high pace, and our cerebral matter functions like an electronic switching station. To put it another way, we don't think with our brains; we think with our brains. this is confusing. it sounds like you repeated yourself.

We create a vibration in our body when we engage our brain cells. This determines the frequency with which we carry ourselves and how we perceive our internal and exterior realities. We may improve our emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being by tuning into our energy and connecting with ourselves and others on a deeper level.

Vibrational Energy and Science

We are constantly exposed to energy as humans. The atomic structure of what we focus on, as well as the vibrational frequency of what we focus on are what distinguishes everything in our internal and exterior worlds. Whether something appears as a solid, liquid, or gas is determined by these vibrations’ speed – or frequency.

Both consciously and unconsciously, we respond to various frequency levels. Our bodies respond physically on a cellular level. All the energy we have been exposed to causes a signal to be sent between our body and brain.

The clarity of these vibrations is explained by coherence, a scientific principle. In contrast, incoherent messages are frequently the source of negative thought patterns. Because less information is transferred between cells when we are subjected to these "incoherent" signals, we may feel out of sync. This results in a change in vibration and possibly less energy, affecting the biological operation of our cells and, as a result, our mind, body, and soul.

How Vibration and Frequency Affect Your Wellbeing

We frequently discuss a person's situation or setting's "vibe." This "vibe" refers to a specific vibration, which we might categorize as positive or bad.

A person's energy is influenced by a variety of things, including their mindset, experience, thought habits, and worldview. Based on how we have responded to life experiences, we each have a unique internal map of how we interpret our external environment. As a result, our belief systems and "identity" are shaped.

High-frequency thought patterns, attitudes, and emotions are positive vibrations, whereas low-frequency thinking patterns, attitudes, and emotions are negative vibrations.

Being aware of when and how we sense resistance inside ourselves is the simplest method to identify a negative vibe. Positive vibrations put us at peace, whilst negative vibrations make us nervous, apprehensive, and worrisome. We're also prone to picking up on energy that isn’t ours. We can become caught in a low vibrating state if we begin to identify these energies as a part of who we are. We must all let go of our opposition and live our lives in accordance with our inner calm.

Maintaining a “High Vibe” Frequency

To achieve optimal health and wellness for your mind, body, and soul, you should strive to be a high vibrational being. So, what are some things you may do to improve your vibration?

First, consider everything you come into contact with, ingest, listen to, see, touch, think about, and so on. Each of these items has its own vibrational frequency, which has an impact on your energy field!

The good news is that we can actively modify our vibration to raise or sustain it.

To begin, eliminate toxic, low-vibrational people from your life who cause you or your thoughts to become negative.
Consider the bright side! We can shift our frequency by reframing our perception into something more pleasant and of a higher vibration. Cutting down processed junk foods and eating organic foods and herbs, which increases our vibrational frequency. Moreover, raising your vibration frequency will contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Can negative thoughts and emotions lower your vibration?

As you may be aware, all ideas, emotions, and feelings have a specific vibration or electromagnetic frequency associated with them. Positive ideas can boost your frequency by ten percent. Negative thoughts, on the other hand, reduce your energy by 12 Hz or more.

Your body becomes the ideal setting for disease to grow if your "frequency" drops too low. Depression, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome, and candida, to mention a few, are all symptoms of this. In a body and mind that operates at a higher frequency, disease simply cannot exist. This is because disease-fighting cells are enlarged and oxygenated.

Conversely, sickness is fueled by deoxygenated, constricted cells. With the rising rate of illness and disease, it is critical that we all raise our energy frequency. That balance is required in order to restore our physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

How Can I Raise My Vibration?

So, you're looking to raise your energetic frequency? Here are strategies to increase your vibration:

Check Your Mood

Are you cheerful, energized, enthused, and upbeat? Are you irritable, sad, sluggish, furious, or resentful?

Low vibration is indicated by persistent sadness, rage, or other negative emotions. However, you have the ability to alter your moods. Your bad emotions are significant. Don't deny them — they're crucial to your self-awareness – but try to rise above them as swiftly as possible.

Is it too challenging to get out of a funk to raise your vibration? The best way to instantly shift your vibrational energy would be to release the negative energy with energy healing therapy. 

As an energy healing practitioner, I offer various techniques to release those negatively charged energies that drain you and lower your vibration. You can find out which energy healing modality is right for you.

Check Your Results

A high vibration produces positive outcomes, while a low vibration produces negative outcomes. If things were going well and then abruptly deteriorated, it could be due to a reduction in your vibration.

However, keep in mind that your current situation is the product of previous vibrations — you may still be coping with the leftovers of how you used to vibrate.

Solution: Remain patient, keep your vibrations as high as possible, and things will start to improve!

Check Your Mind

Vibration has a direct impact on your mental processes.

Sharp thinking, quick learning, easy memory recall, imaginative problem solving, and great creativity are characteristics of a high vibration.

Sluggish thinking, slow learning, "mental fog," poor memory, getting stuck on difficulties, and creative obstacles are all symptoms of low vibration.

Solution: Find ways to bring forth your inner artist! PLAY. Make time for something you enjoy that has nothing to do with your duties.


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