Our Services

Discover which program is right for you.

Stop Surviving,

Start Thriving

People often talk about our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects but often leave out that we are also energetic beings. Energy field healing is exceptionally potent and has been used in ancient cultures for hundreds of years via crystal healing, acupuncture, chakra work, reiki… etc. 

In ancient Eastern cultures, Qi (Chinese), also called Ki (Japanese) or Prana (Indian), is the Life Force Energy that flows through every living thing. It is essential energy unit, and critical to keep them in balance. The proper flow of the life force energy along with blood is the vital element for your health as it creates health and harmony within the body.  These energy pathways are called meridians. They connect all the major organ systems in our bodies and can become blocked from trauma, stress, emotions, bad living habits, addictions, and diet. The root of all physical, mental, and spiritual problems can be traced to these blockages.

Practiced for centuries, these powerful techniques improve your flexibility, resilience, and connection to your higher self, helping you eliminate the threat of disconnection to regain balance in your life - so you can finally thrive!!

I have a variety of methods and protocols engineered to help you release blocks, limiting beliefs, and anything else standing in the way of you becoming your best self.

 The Emotion Code ®

The Emotion Code is a specialized healing treatment designed to create an immense emotional release through a truly transformative approach. By detecting your negative emotions stored in your subconscious mind, we work with you to release these trapped emotions, trauma, pain, and self-sabotage that are causing massive malfunction and imbalance in your mind, body, and soul.

With The Emotion Code program, you will finally have a revolutionary healing tool that eradicates your emotional trauma that has been holding you back. So, what would a life free from all your trapped emotions feel like?

Book your session today and experience
the freedom you seek and deserve


What are Trapped Emotions? 

Emotions play a critical role in your life. All emotions have the capacity to affect your mental and physical health for better or worse. There are times when emotions are suppressed and not fully processed. Those emotions can become trapped somewhere in your body which can influence everything you do, how you react to the world around you, and how you connect to the universe and all the abundance in any every area that your life has to offer. The average adult is said to have more than 300 trapped emotions, which can disrupt your happiness, your success and your health.

Trapped Emotions are destructive in every way possible. The more they are in control of your life, the more you are going to have things show up within your body in many forms.  Everyone has emotional baggage caused by painful life events, and this emotional baggage is what your Trapped Emotions are. You are holding on to a suitcase full of negatively charged emotional energy. Sometimes these trapped emotions can be out of your control.  In addition to your own emotional baggage, you can also inherit trapped emotions from your parents or your ancestors, and possibly absorb them from people who surround you. 

Our Emotion Code healing program is your ultimate Trapped Emotions eradicator. We work with you to release them to bring balanced conditions to your mind, body, and soul so your body can recover. As you recover, you will find that life becomes easier and conspires to work on your behalf.

What is Heart-Wall Healing?

Our Heart-Wall Healing is a revolutionary approach to bring balance into your life. Often in your life, you may have found yourself in a situation where you felt heartache or even heartbroken. Your heart is the core of your being. It’s where all your energy radiates out into the universe. The more heartache you experience in your life, the more it can cause your body to create an energy wall around your heart to protect it.

Every beat of your heart sends messages into every cell in your body and your brain. But this Heart-Wall can prevent you from having a meaningful relationship filled with connection and love.

That’s because this energy wall is made up entirely of negatively charged energy. The Emotion Code can erase and remove all these negative energies and create love and abundance throughout every area of your life.

 Book a FREE discovery call with me now
& start manifesting what you desire today!

 The Body Code ®

Adantiah Healing Arts is your source for The Body Code healing program. I utilize this revolutionary healing program to bring balance to your body and get to the root of what’s causing discord, pain, sickness, and disease.


What is The Body Code? 

The Body Code is an energy balancing and healing system that finds and detects the root causes of sickness and suffering, no matter if they are in your emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual bodies.

Your body is made up of pure energy, from your head to your toes and throughout every system under your skin. All this energy is connected to your thoughts, beliefs, memories, emotions, and more. It’s all intertwined and charged negatively or positively. The more negatively charged energy, the more sickness, and suffering in your life.

I work with you to identify and remove any negative blocks, subliminal programming, pain, and trauma to create a transformative shift into a higher vibrational shift throughout all aspects of your life.

I help you create a clear pathway to true healing and optimal health so you can live, laugh, create, and love with abundance!

Body Energy System

 The Body Energy System is a mapping system that allows me to identify any imbalances in your body to create healing and bring complete harmony.

 Emotional Wellness

I will guide you to create energy balance by eradicating Trapped Emotions and trauma, and more.

 Body System Balance

Step into a life of physical balance as we identify the issues in your organs, glands, muscles, and body systems that are all connected.


We identify any heavy metals, free radicals, chemicals, EMF radiation, and other toxins that throw your entire balance off balance.

 Pathogen Resolution

We quickly target any fungal, bacterial, viral, parasitic, or mold that’s invading your system and wreaking havoc in your body.

 Nutrition & Lifestyle

We create a customized exercise and lifestyle routine that’s designed to deliver harmony to your body.

 Structural Balance

Support proper balance and function of your bones, nerves, alignment, and connective tissues.

Energy Medicine

Energy healing with Adantiah Healing Arts works to establish the proper groundwork to bring harmony and balance to your mind, body, and soul. Every cell of your body is filled with energy as well as the non-physical aspects. We utilize cutting-edge energy medicine to bring all this energy into alignment so you can tap into your higher self and create abundance at every turn.

Subconscious Supercomputer

Your subconscious is literally a supercomputer that remembers and recalls everything that has ever occurred in your life and all the feelings and emotions attached to those events, including as far back as when you were in your mother’s womb, or even your past lives.

 At Adantiah Healing, we tap into your subconscious mind to unpack & unfold the issues to get to the root cause of your pain and trauma to unlock the healing power held within.

create a clear pathway to true healing and optimal health!


 The Belief Code ®

Adantiah Healing Arts is your source for The Belief Code healing program. I utilize this revolutionary healing program to delve into your subconscious belief system and address the foundational beliefs that may be limiting your potential and well-being.

What is The Belief Code? 

The Belief Code is an introspective healing system that targets and reshapes the foundational beliefs and narratives that shape your life, no matter if they influence your emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual dimensions.

Your mindset and life narrative are shaped by deeply-rooted beliefs that are formed over time, influenced by experiences, memories, emotions, and external conditioning. These beliefs can either be limiting or empowering, negatively or positively charged. The presence of limiting or negatively charged beliefs can hinder personal growth and fulfillment.

I work with you to identify and reprogram these limiting beliefs, replacing them with empowering affirmations and positive narratives to initiate a transformative shift into a higher vibrational alignment in all aspects of your life.

I help you create a clear pathway to personal evolution and holistic well-being, enabling you to live, dream, achieve, and love with profound abundance!


 Our Core Belief System can dramatically impact how we perceive every aspect of our lives. The four main layers of a Faulty Belief System are addressed by The Belief Code and, with guidance, are designed to systematically release unwanted negative beliefs.

Negative Program

Negative Programs are the result of the full system, producing negative automatic thoughts. They are the easiest part of the Faulty Belief System to perceive and can be recognized as negative self-talk and negative chatter in the mind.

Limiting Belief

When you ask why the belief system exists, you will find the limiting belief at the center. This belief is likely something you believe about yourself or the world. You might have no idea that thought was lingering in your subconscious mind.

 Faulty Core Belief

When a negative belief is reinforced, and supported by other emotions, that belief begins to grow and even become additional beliefs. It spreads and compounds upon itself, becoming a tangled web of roots that becomes our belief system.

Faulty Core Identity

A Faulty Core Identity is the origin story of the belief. These beliefs often begin when we are children and absorb the ideas around us without question. These become associated with our identity so closely, they may be unrecognizable to us.

& create a clear pathway to true healing and optimal health!

The Emotion Code® |The Body code® | The Belief code® PRICING

Email session – $111 
Remote Phone/Zoom Session – 45 min: $175
In-Person session – 50 min: $190

Healing Packages 

Emotion Code / Body Code Session/ Belief Code – 5 pack
Email Session / $472
Remote Phone/Zoom Session - 50 Minutes: $808
In-Person Session - 50 Minutes: $808

Heart-Wall Release Session 

Heart-Wall Release Email Session – 4 pack  $365


Free your mind from the matrix of limiting beliefs.

How many times have you felt frustrated and disappointed in your own self sabotaging acts?

No matter how strong your willpower is, there is a stubborn belief system that restricts you in many ways. Uncontrollable urge to shift back to what you’ve been accustomed to and how you’ve been programed to for over many lifetimes. And it is very hard to change this paradigm by simply applying affirmation or vision work, meditation, talk therapy, etc.

The belief system is an accumulation of negative experiences and results in the past from many different lifetimes, and these multi dimensional programming is hard to transform with the power of conscious mind alone. Neuroscience research indicates that only 3-5% of our everyday thinking is conscious, and the rest of 95-97% is controlled by subconscious mind which explains about your reactionary and repetitive actions.

In order to achieve your goal, you need your subconscious to fully align with the goal so that it sends out the appropriate inner commands to shift your paradigm to take an action for your highest purpose.

PSYCH-K® is a proven and one of the most efficient & impactful tools to transform your limiting belief to align yourself with your goals. These goals can be to boost your inner confidence, elevate your career success, improve your health, reach your ideal weight, create healthy and loving relationship, let go of guilt and resentment, or find your life true purpose.

What is PSYCH-K®?

PSYCH-K ® is spiritual technology to change your subconscious mind that limits you from expressing your full potential that impacts all the areas of your life - your romantic relationship, financial abundance, career success, addiction, phobias, and even your weight issues & overall physical health, etc.

Simple yet powerful, non-invasive, and interactive process that we co-create to change your belief system. It is based on neuroscience research on split brain - left and right brain integration that creates whole brain state.

Instead of using hard effort of exercising positive thinking, affirmation or willpower, with PSYCH-K, we reduce the resistance to a new idea and then internalize it to align yourself fully with your new reality that you are about to create!

How does PSYCH-K® work?

PSYCH-K® is a unique process, evolving from years of split-brain research and thousands of sessions with individuals and groups. It creates a receptive state of mind called “Whole-Brain State” that dramatically reduces stubborn resistance to change at the subconscious mind level.

The subconscious can be accessed in similar way to a computer. PSYCH-K® works like a “mental keyboard” – a user-friendly method of communicating with the subconscious mind that is simple, direct and verifiable.


PSYCH-K In-Person Session – 45~60 Minutes : $190
PSYCH-K Remote Zoom Session – 45~60 Minutes : $190



Don't we all have something that we want to change in our life at some point?  

Do you feel like you know there is much more out there than your current reality is, but you just don't know what it could be and what it means to you yet?

Do you feel that there are blocks in your life that pull you back to where you are no matter what you do and how hard you try to expand your limit?

What if you could change the thoughts, emotions and feelings which limit you?

What if there is a way to quickly tap into your inner knowing and start creating the life which you desire?

If you are ready to explore the unlimited possibilities in your life, you are at the right place.

With the tools of Access Bars®, I can help you to expand your capacity to access your infinite potential with ease, joy and glory!  Access Bars method is an ultimate way to create the changes in your life.

What is Access Bars®?

Access Bars is a hands-on energy healing therapy. They have 32 energy points on your head, and when they are gently touched, it unlocks and releases anything that blocks you from feeling joy and ease.

These 32 energy points correspond with all the different levels of consciousness which includes your creativity, money, power, awareness, joy, sadness, sexuality, body, aging, hopes, healing etc that you have stored from your current life as well as your past lives. 

Each Bars session can release years of blockages in the area of your life that corresponds with the Bars energy points that have limited your life. 

This is an incredibly relaxing and soothing process, unblocking limitations in all aspects of your life without any effort or side effect. All you need to do is to lay there and receive the therapy.

You can walk out of a session feeling a sense of total ease and freedom, unlike anything else, that starts to change your whole life.

What happens in an Access Bars session? 

Very simple. You just lay down and receive your session. 

It is an incredibly relaxing and soothing therapy.

You don't have to do or think about anything. For the entire process you will be lying down, facing up and fully clothed. 

To initiate the healing process, I will start pulling energy so that the energy move through your body. From then on, the whole session will be focused on your head with the practitioner gently touching various points.


1 hour 10 minutes Session – $222